We offer sound advice based on solid relationships with federal, state, local agency staff and policy makers. With over 20 years of experience providing legal representation and consulting services for government agencies, nonprofit organizations and targeted private industry, we know how to get things done. We can help you overcome contracting challenges or environmental compliance, and move that policy issue or regulatory barrier together. We are at home in both the administrative and legislative arenas.
By focusing on the nexus between air quality, forest health, energy stability and economics, CLERE Inc aims to overcome the pressing issues in our rural communities and wild landscapes.
Attorney at Law
Christiana Darlington Esq
In addition to representing the Clients listed, Christiana is actively involved in the Forest Management Task Force's Rural Economic Development Woody Utilization Group (RED-WUG) and serve as chair to the RED-WUG Barriers Subcommittee. Christiana also sits on the Board of Directors of the Bioenergy Association of California.
CLERE Inc. provides services such as contract negotiation, drafting and review, regulatory permitting for various levels of government, and client representation within California Public Utility Commission Proceedings. We provide services through various representation agreements, click below to learn more.
CLERE Inc represents Placer, Northern Sonoma and Mendocino Air Districts and collaborates with state agencies on important issues like the Scoping Plan, the Short Lived Climate Pollutants Plan, Natural and Working Lands Implementation Plan, and the implementation of SB 100.
Additionally CLERE Represents limited private industry and small scale biomass to energy facilities. Please click below to learn more.
"Achieving Carbon Neutrality in California: Draft Report" written by E3
These scenarios build on Energy and Environmental Economics (E3) prior research into deep decarbonization strategies to achieve carbon neutrality in California by 2045. Highlighting the pivotal role the natural and working lands will play in addressing climate change, this research group lays out three pathways to achieving carbon neutrality.
CPUC Extends BioMAT Program
The CPUC’s Decision extends the program end date to the end of 2025. This is critical since the utilities have only procured about 20 percent of the 250 megawatts required by the program. The CPUC Decision also increases delivery flexibility for project developers, establishes deadlines for utilities to review project eligibility and approve contracts, and establishes a non-bypassable charge so that all rate-payers will share the costs of the program. The CPUC proposed the non-bypassable charge in recognition of the fact that BioMAT projects provide important statewide benefits that all ratepayers should help to pay for, not just the purchasing utility’s customers.
Investment Opportunities for Increasing Forest and Fire Management Capacity in California
The Watershed Research and Training Center in collaboration with Oregon State University put together a capacity and needs assessment of local groups, non-profits, and tribes who are engaged with landscape forest and fire management activities throughout the state. While there is money to implement projects, rarely do these projects account for building capacity to taking on needed restoration projects. Read their paper here.